Welcome to the official business blog for Lyn's Gracious Goodness! This will be the place to check out what is new at Lyn's, fun things going on, and even a deal sometimes!
For those of you who have not yet met me, I'm LeeLee (Lyn's daughter) and am in the process of taking over the restaurant. Mama is still here every once in a while, but she is thrilled to be at home, and I am thrilled to be here! We are working on some fun new things and can't wait to see what you think! Taking over my mother's restaurant is the absolute most fulfilling thing that I have done in my life. Every day that I come into work, I am so proud and impressed by what she has built. This is a truly special place. The most special opportunity I am given each day is the ability to share it with you. So here we go!
Many of you know about the tragic loss that we endured a couple of weeks ago. Losing all AC and cooler units, we lost our entire food and wine inventory and were forced to close for a week to regroup. In an attempt to turn a negative into a positive, we did a little fixing up around the place! With new floors, new decorations and new positive outlooks, we are now back up and running and just THRILLED to have you all back in the shop. We have also started restocking our wine inventory, and now have wine for sale!
As most of you know, I like to pour wine sips as a little treat for y'all each Friday. In the absence of my extensive wine inventory, I have gotten a little creative and started making fun cocktails! So, from 11-1 TODAY, I will be pouring SANGRIA! Come join me for a glass! Happy Friday!
Yay Lee Lee!! Lyn's is THE best!